Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Independence Day

I pray that this Fourth of July you will have opportunity to remember that many words we throw around casually, Freedom, Liberty, Valor, Honor, Courage, Equality, and Independence, have weighty meanings behind them.  And they are bought at significant cost.  The struggle for these values hardly started July 4th, 1776.  Though as Americans, we collectively share this date as the birth of our nation, people throughout history have paved the foundation for Liberty by their sweat, toil, and blood.  

Most notably, a couple thousand years ago in a tiny province of the vast Roman Empire, a man who was God Incarnate died to grant all humanity Freedom from sin, punishment, and condemnation.  Jesus Christ shed His blood so all people may have access to God and know Liberty from sin and death.    

Celebrate hardily this holiday.  You have reason to.  

Happy Fourth of July.  

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